Health on a Plate

…because what you put on your plate matters

Life isn’t all rosy after kids

I am a woman – and a mother – with a mission: I want to abolish the use of the term ‘post natal depression’. Instead I want mothers and midwives and health visitors – indeed everyone – to start talking about ‘post natal transition‘.

About one in eight new mothers are diagnosed with post natal depression (or PND) but as many as 90% of mothers have a difficult post natal transition period (or PNT). It is high time that this adjustment to motherhood is not seen as an abnormal, pathological condition – where often the only support offered is anti-depressant medication – but a normal, healthy response to the overwhelming physical, mental and emotional demands of becoming a mother.

Supporting a mother’s emotional well-being has a lasting positive impact on her children’s lives but in my experience a woman’s mental health post natally is valued much less than her caring for the baby.

I had to fumble my own way through my darkest days of post natal transition. Why? All women should be lovingly supported on their journey into motherhood however it unfolds.

NLP, good nutrition, being in nature, creativity, bodywork and connecting honestly with other mothers all helped reduce the feelings of isolation and conflict I felt in my new role as mother. I know that they can help others too. That’s why I have set up the post natal transition blog and am applying for funding to develop my vision.


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